Monotropism Inductions
“Brainwashing” is a word that is as alluring as it is frightening, full of mystery and hidden knowledge. For some, it has negative, perhaps political associations; for others, a deep, intense eroticism. Often, it is more complicated than just one or the other, and perhaps it also evokes a certain curiosity, of wanting to dig into “what,” “how,” and “why.” For the purpose of this book, we’ll be talking about brainwashing as a positive thing with a particularly broad kinky definition: A sexy form of play that allows us to set and achieve goals using a variety of well-known psychological methods and deeply enjoy the process and fantasies behind it.
The Brainwashing Book
Monotropism inductions are centered around focusing the hypnotee’s attention on a thought or concept that is not directly trance-based, and typically does not involve relaxation. This is a very loose category of induction that covers a grab-bag of techniques, such as repetition techniques and training techniques.
Repetition Inductions
Repetition inductions often produce depersonalization, a sense of disconnection from thoughts and emotions. This makes them handy in thought alteration.
There are two main branches of repetition inductions. One side is focused attention on positive statements about the self, i.e. mantras, affirmations, autogenic training, and invocations. They are all fundamentally alike.
The other side is kink-focused. Tranformation kinks are especially popular, i.e. turning someone into a robot or doll, identifying as a pet, or reducing intelligence. They tend to lean heavily into tropes: blankly repeating suggestions, fixating on spirals, binaural beats, reprogramming helmets, and so on. What makes these inductions effective is first the activity loop of repeatedly following suggestions and also the sheer cultural weight these inductions have in popular culture.
Training Inductions
There is another kind of monotropism induction which works by explicitly conditioning automaticity of response around the implementation intention. Here’s an example induction.
Tell your partner that you want them to follow your suggestions and make them automatic. As they keep following your suggestions, they will find that following suggestions becomes more and automatic until they don’t have to think about it at all. The only focus and thought in their mind should be on following the suggestions. They’re going to apply all their willpower and imagination to following your suggestions automatically.
Then set up a training system with rewards. Every time they follow a suggestion of yours, they will know they are doing the right thing, and feel a sense of validation and accomplishment. When they do it perfectly, you will tell them they did a good job with that one. Walk them through a series of exercises, including mantras, call and response, and so on, rewarding occasionally.
Keep doing that for ten minutes, and then see how much emotional momentum has built up. Have them try to resist a suggestion and see how difficult it is and how much they don’t want to.